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The TSUKUI Forest

TSUKUI CORPORATION concluded an agreement on the water source forest eco project with the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau.
“The TSUKUI Forest” is born in water source forest in Doshi.

The TSUKUI Forest

TSUKUI CORPORATION concluded an agreement on the water source forest eco project (W-eco・p) with the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau on March 19, 2014.
Aiming to preserve the forest in Doshi Village, Minamitsuru County, Yamanashi Prefecture, a water source exclusive to Yokohama City, we develop a one-hectare water source forest each year in collaboration with the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau.

Contract period From March 19, 2014 to March 31, 2026
Actual development period: From FY 2014 to FY 2022
Amount donated ¥300 thousand each fiscal year from FY 2014 to FY 2025
(total ¥3.6 million)
Development work A tract of land called “The TSUKUI Forest” in the Doshi Village water source protection forest has been designated, and one hectare of the forest is developed every year.
Name of the development area The name “The TSUKUI Forest” was selected from about 100 different candidate names proposed by employees in a name-giving campaign conducted within TSUKUI Group.

About the water source forest eco project (W-eco・p)

This is a collaboration project with participating companies and organizations to develop water source protection forest in Doshi Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, owned by the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau.There are 17 agreements in place between the Yokohama Waterworks Bureau and companies/organizations for this project.

Donation to the Fund for Doshi No Mori, Where Water Comes From

Since 2015, TSUKUI CORPORATION has been selling Hamakko-Doshi The Water, the bottled water from the clear stream of water in the Doshi River, from vending machines installed at our facilities nationwide.Part of the sales is donated to the Fund for Doshi No Mori, Where Water Comes From.

Recycling activities: Empty contact lens cases

Recycling of empty contact lens cases

Recycling of empty contact lens cases

Since December 2016, TSUKUI has participated in “Eyecity Eco Project,” a recycling campaign for empty contact lens cases that is promoted by HOYA CORPORATION's Eye Care Company. We have collected 28,790 empty contact lens cases as of December 2023 and donated them to HOYA CORPORATION. We will continue to participate in this recycling campaign for empty contact lens cases as part of our social contribution activities.

“Eyecity Eco Project”

“Eyecity Eco Project” is an environmental project promoted by Eye Care Company of HOYA CORPORATION. The empty cases for disposable contact lenses are collected and recycled, and proceeds from the sale to recycling manufacturers are donated to the Japan Eye Bank Association. Through recycling, this project also aims to reduce CO2 emissions.