
  1. HOME
  2. Sustainability
  3. Diversity

At the TSUKUI Group, our mission is to meet the challenges of an ultra-aging society and bring about an age of living 100 years of fulfilling life, and we thus hope to create a society in which diverse people respect one another and in which the dignity of all people is protected, regardless of personal characteristics such as age, nationality, religion, disability, sex, and identity.
We will also promote diversity and inclusion in our businesses to ensure that each and every employee is able to build a career befitting themselves, work with vigor, and fully unleash their abilities.

Promoting the Advancement of Women

In the efforts to promote the diversity of human resources, the TSUKUI Group is placing its focus on the advancement of women.

What is “Kurumin”? (TSUKUI CORPORATION)

Of those companies that have formulated a general business owner action plan in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare certifies those that have achieved the goals set out in their plan and met certain standards as a “company supporting childcare.” The Kurumin mark provides proof that a company has achieved this certification.

Support for achieving success both at work and nursing care

TSUKUI has been implementing the following initiatives since April 2015 so that employees will be successful both at work and nursing care.

Nursing care leave period and short working hours system for nursing care

We have extended the period for nursing care leave and short working hours for nursing care, by changing it from a maximum of 93 days combined to a maximum of one year each.

System of accumulating expired paid leave

We have established a system that allows employees to use up to 20 days of expired paid leave when they use nursing care leave.

Covering the equivalent of an employee's contribution portion of social insurance during leave

We have started to cover an employee's contribution portion of social insurance (health insurance, long-term care insurance, and employees' pension) during the period of nursing care leave.

What is “Tomonin”? (TSUKUI CORPORATION)

“Tomonin” is the informal name for a symbol mark created by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare that can be used by companies that strive to create workplace environments that allow employees to balance both work and nursing care.The objective is to prevent voluntary resignations due to nursing care duties and to drive social momentum toward efforts to create workplace environments conducive to achieving a balance between both work and nursing care.

Special additional fees for improved pay and benefits for care workers (TSUKUI CORPORATION)

At TSUKUI, we have obtained special additional fees for improved pay and benefits for care workers in nursing care insurance services and disability welfare services, and we strive to further improve our employees’ pay and benefits.
Here we provide information on the additional fees obtained, our workplace environments, and specific initiatives.

Special additional fees for improved pay and benefits for care workers obtained

Additional fees category Number of locations
Special additional fees for improved pay
and benefits for care workers etc.
(includes comprehensive projects
for nursing care prevention
and daily living support)
Addition I678
Addition II1,047
Special additional fees for improved pay
and benefits for welfare/care workers etc.
Addition I105
Addition II135

  • * As of March 31, 2024.
  • * Number of locations calculated on a one-service, one-location basis.

Workplace environment and other requirements

Initiatives to encourage people
to join the profession
Clarifying corporate and business locations’ management philosophy, care policy, human resources development policy, and measures/mechanisms for achieving them
Upon joining the company, recruits can aim to improve their skills, both as a career-minded individual and as a TSUKUI employee, through a range of programs including group training as well as employee exchange training that provides opportunities to gain practical experience at other locations.
In conjunction with the above programs, we have also instituted mechanisms to enable full-time employees to effectively execute company-wide strategies by creating strategic maps for each organization based on company-wide strategies and goals and incorporating these into individual goals.
Support for enhancement of credentials
and career advancement
Linking training and the career grade system with performance evaluations
We have instituted internal training systems, and we evaluate employees according to career level.
Support for work-life balance
and facilitation of diverse work styles
Enhancing consultation systems by, for example, setting up employee consultation services for work matters, health and welfare systems, mental health, etc.
We have established our own health and welfare system geared to the health and welfare of our employees and their families.
To ensure our employees feel valued pursuing a long career, we have set up external services to consult with employees on a range of issues related to job duties and the workplace environment.
Management of mental and physical health,
including back pain
Implementing health management strategies, including health checkups and stress checks that are also available to short-hour workers, etc. and the provision of break rooms for employees
We conduct stress checks for all employees to make them aware of stress and prevent mental health issues before they arise.
Operational improvements
to improve productivity
Reducing workloads through the use of ICT, such as tablet devices and intercoms, and the deployment of nursing care robots and sensors, including telemonitoring devices
We have distributed tablet devices to all locations to facilitate online training.
Fostering motivation and job satisfaction Providing opportunities to share information such as good examples of care and expressions of gratitude from service users and their families
We communicate customer feedback and good examples of care to all employees via internal systems and internal online publications.

Initiatives to foster employee happiness

We invest, provide opportunities, and develop training systems in pursuit of objectives that include improving employee pay and benefits.